If you want to know what day-to-day life is like for ex-pats in Cyprus, without joining a forum or asking specific questions, the best thing to do is to read one of the many Cyprus blogs. Again, different styles appeal to different people. Some will talk mainly about family life. Others might write about strange quirks they observe. Some discuss problems that have occurred. You can usually comment on a blog, if you wish to. If you ask a question, remember to leave your email address or another way of responding.
These are just a few of the blogs written in Cyprus. I have selected some which are (or were) updated regularly, although there are many more. If you would like me to link to your blog, please let me know and I will consider it.
This is Cyprus… is my own blog. I started it as a way of communicating what daily life is like to family and friends back in the UK. It has a fair number of photos, and focuses on whatever is going on with my family and myself. I started it in the Spring of 2005 when we had lived in Cyprus for seven-and-a-half years.
Little White Donkey – A friend who lives in Paphos writes this, though she has not updated it for a while. Some lovely descriptive writing about the seasons and harvests, and life in general with her growing family of four children.
Always Somewhere – a local friend writes this blog sporadically. She moved here in January 2009 with her husband and five children (now six). Descriptions of their life home educating, and problems with bureaucracy in Cyprus.
A Matter of Choice – an ex-pat Brit with a small child writes this blog. She talks about her daily experiences on the island.
Aradippou Tales – photos, observations, and, yes, problems with Customs and other bureaucracy. From a couple who moved to Cyprus in 2006.
Kids have fun in Cyprus – about children in Cyprus, places to visit, activities for kids and families, sports, playgrounds, and restaurants suitable for families.
A New Life in Cyprus – a couple who decided to move to the island keep this blog. It charts their progress as they adjust to life here. It began in June 2006 with detailed descriptions of what they planned to do.
King Malu is one of my husband’s blogs, of interest to sailing enthusiasts. It explains in detail, with photos, about the renovation and journeys in an elderly yacht, berthed in Larnaka marina.